quinta-feira, junho 03, 2004

Longhorn Developer Center Home: User Experience (Aero): Picking the Right Degree of Control for User Interfaces (Microsoft Windows Longhorn Aero User

Longhorn Developer Center Home: User Experience (Aero): Picking the Right Degree of Control for User Interfaces (Microsoft Windows Longhorn Aero User Experience Technical Articles)

Personas: Theory and Practice (Microsoft Research)

InfoDesign: Understanding by Design - News | News flash

Personas is an interaction design technique with considerable potential for software product development. (...) Personas are more engaging than design based primarily on scenarios." (John Pruitt and Jonathan Grudin - Microsoft Research)

quarta-feira, junho 02, 2004

headphone: Sony consumer electronics guide: MDR-F1 - More Specifications

Sony consumer electronics guide: MDR-F1 - More Specifications

muito confortável, verificar abafamento de som