sexta-feira, fevereiro 13, 2004 Python Programming on Win32 using WxPython Python Programming on Win32 using WxPython

DesignIdea:Eric Meyer on CSS: Home

Gostei do título, poderia ter o "agenda" na linha de cima e o samba & choro na linha abaixo, mas maior.

Eric Meyer on CSS: Home - Inheriting from ZCatalog as a Container - Inheriting from ZCatalog as a Container. Subclassing ZCatalog.

quinta-feira, fevereiro 12, 2004

The box model hack

: "The box model hack was the first and is still among the most popular methods of designing once and publishing everywhere without fear of delivering an unusable or displeasing layout in browsers with less than stellar CSS compliance. It works by taking advantage of a CSS parsing bug in those older browsers. Specifically, as most readers know, it inserts an aural media declaration into the middle of a screen-oriented CSS rule:" - find the lowest prices for books - find the lowest prices for books » Book Recommendations » Book Recommendations: "Pure Design True to its title, Mario Garcia?s Pure Design is clean, simple, and elegant. Inspired by minimalism, Mario Garcia explains how pure design can provide an enjoyable experience by allowing readers to navigate through a website or a publication effortlessly. The book covers words, types, layout, color, picture, and process in details and advices on what do and not to do. At the end of each chapter, there are real projects case studies to help readers apply the theory presented. The last chapter shares top ten useful myths from Mario Garcia. Pure Design is highly recommended for information and graphic designers. Although, the book focused mainly on newspaper design, some of the theories presented could apply toward the web as well. Here are some notes I find useful for web designers."

Internationalization - wxPython Wiki

Internationalization - wxPython Wiki: "1 Python, wxPython and internationalization (i18n)"

International Word List

Appendixes and References: "International Word List This appendix contains translations of the English word list that appears on the following pages. The intent of this list is to provide, for each of the following languages, a comprehensive set of words and phrases that either appear in the Microsoft Windows user interface or are used in describing key concepts of the operating system to users."

quarta-feira, fevereiro 11, 2004

Usability:Centre for HCI Design

Centre for HCI Design: "Welcome to the Centre for Human Computer Interaction Design The Centre for HCI Design is London's largest HCI-related research group. We research the relationship between people and technology with the aim of creating more useful and easier to use systems."

Universidade inglesa. Papers praca em "resarch->publications database

Usability:Reports, Articles, and Papers from Constantine

Reports, Articles, and Papers from Constantine

Artigos que parece bons sobre task analisys e como transformá-los em interfaces.

Usability: SAP Design Guild -- Article List - Overview

SAP Design Guild -- Article List - Overview
Lista de artigos sobre usabilidade

Cross-Browser Rich Text Editor

Cross-Browser Rich Text Editor

terça-feira, fevereiro 10, 2004

Beer: Son of Fermentation Chiller

Son of Fermentation Chiller

Beer: Son of Fermentation Chiller

Son of Fermentation Chiller

: "Book: Building dynamic WebSites with Zope"

segunda-feira, fevereiro 09, 2004

ZopeLABS - How DTML and ZPT can share a standard template

ZopeLABS - How DTML and ZPT can share a standard template

Chapter 14: Extending Zope

Chapter 14: Extending Zope: "addForm" - DTML2ZPT Conversion examples - DTML2ZPT Conversion examples