Just technical stuff. To save software and hardware configuration details that I'll probably forget someday. Maybe this can help someone else. Now I almost don't use it anymore, since delicious is a better place to save my bookmarks.
If you speak portuguese and like music, visit my site: Agenda do Samba & Choro.
sexta-feira, abril 30, 2004
quinta-feira, abril 29, 2004
quarta-feira, abril 28, 2004
card sort software WebCAT: Overview
WebCAT: Overview: "The Web Category Analysis Tool (WebCAT) allows a web designer/usability engineer to test a proposed or existing categorization scheme of a website to determine how well the cate"
Interessante, um applet java para o cara fazer card sort em casa.
TheOpenCD: "TheOpenCD is a collection of high quality Free and Open Source Software. The programs run in Windows and cover the most common tasks such as word processing, presentations, e-mai" :: Download latest video and audio codecs, free: QuickTime Alternative, Real Alternative, K-Lite Mega Codec Pack, K-LIte Codec Pack, K
segunda-feira, abril 26, 2004
Designing Programs to Accomodate Graphic Interfaces
Designing Programs to Accomodate Graphic Interfaces: "A GUI program can rapidly become an unholy mess of object interactions that is difficult to get working properly, and even more difficult to test. But with the right architecture,"
Storytelling in business,storytelling in organizations,organizational storytelling
Storytelling in business,storytelling in organizations,organizational storytelling: "Storytelling: Passport to Success in the 21st CenturyWhy is there a resurgence of interest among today's business and organizational leaders in the ancient art of storytelling"
Designing Programs to Accomodate Graphic Interfaces
Designing Programs to Accomodate Graphic Interfaces: "A GUI program can rapidly become an unholy mess of object interactions that is difficult to get working properly, and even more difficult to test. But with the right architecture,"
Welcome to PyCrash Web Site
Welcome to PyCrash Web Site: "PyCrash is a Run-Time Exception Dumper which handles uncaught exceptions during the execution of Python programs and collects information about the program context. PyCrash c"
domingo, abril 25, 2004
Weblogs.Com XML-RPC interface: blogs ping interface
Weblogs.Com XML-RPC interface: "This page explains the XML-RPC mechanism for updates."