Just technical stuff. To save software and hardware configuration details that I'll probably forget someday. Maybe this can help someone else. Now I almost don't use it anymore, since delicious is a better place to save my bookmarks.
If you speak portuguese and like music, visit my site: Agenda do Samba & Choro.
quinta-feira, dezembro 11, 2003
DesignIdea: beautiful tab
Sliding Doors of CSS: A List Apart: "tabbed navigation. It’s time to take back control over the tabs which are continually growing in popularity as a primary means of site navigation. Now that CSS is widely supported, we can crank up the quality and appearance of the tabs on our sites. You’re most likely aware that CSS can be used to tame a plain unordered list. Maybe you’ve even seen lists styled as tabs, looking something like this:"
DesignIdeas: micro icons to indicate external links
MyDimension : "micro icons to indicate external links"
sane css typography
sane css typography: ".wherein we present a method of text sizing in CSS that actually works consistently across our browsers without offending designers."
DesignIdeas: 3 columns layout
Dica: coloque a coluna do meio para carregar primeiro, assim o leitor já pode ir vendo o conteúdo importante antes.
Todos estes são três colunas com header e footer.
Netscape 4, CSS layout, 3 columns with Header and Footer
3 colunas configurável, margens como percentagem Será que funciona legal no IE?
Interessante, parece que o cara se preocupou com portabilidade
mais um
quarta-feira, dezembro 10, 2003
UPX: "UPX is a free, portable, extendable, high-performance executable packer for several different executable formats. It achieves an excellent compression ratio and offers very fast decompression. Your executables suffer no memory overhead or other drawbacks because of in-place decompression."