Google Groups: View Thread "Buena Vista Social Club : The film that Cubans canno..."
Google Groups: View Thread "Buena Vista Social Club : The film that Cubans canno...": "Estrellas de Areito"
Just technical stuff. To save software and hardware configuration details that I'll probably forget someday. Maybe this can help someone else. Now I almost don't use it anymore, since delicious is a better place to save my bookmarks.
If you speak portuguese and like music, visit my site: Agenda do Samba & Choro.
Google Groups: View Thread "Buena Vista Social Club : The film that Cubans canno...": "Estrellas de Areito" "IE7 invokes a DHTML behavior to load and parse all style sheets into a form that Explorer can understand. You can then use most CSS2 selectors without having to resort to CSS hacks."
Style Properties: "Style PropertiesThe following lists some of the custom style properties that Mozilla supports."
CSS - Conditional comments: "Conditional comments only work in Explorer on Windows, and are thus excellently suited to give special instructions meant only for Explorer on Windows. They are supported from E"
QuirksMode - for all your browser quirks: "CSS and JavaScript tips and tricks, and is one of the best sources on the WWW for studying and defeating browser incompatibilities."