sábado, maio 22, 2004

Google Sintax sintaxe

Google Review

quinta-feira, maio 20, 2004

qbullets and other icons

qbullets and other icons

Version Control with Subversion

Version Control with Subversion: "This is the online home of Version Control with Subversion, a free book about Subversion, a new version control system designed to supplant CVS. This book is a work in progress, whi"

IT Manager's Journal | Seven open source business strategies for competitive advantage

IT Manager's Journal | Seven open source business strategies for competitive advantage

quarta-feira, maio 19, 2004

[Zope] RESPONSE.Write question

[Zope] RESPONSE.Write question

HighPerformanceZope - MattHardy's Wiki

HighPerformanceZope - MattHardy's Wiki

Boxes and Arrows: Defining Information Architecture Deliverables

Boxes and Arrows: Defining Information Architecture Deliverables

Contextual Design: Beyer & Holtzblatt, 1999

Artigo referência sobre Contextual Design

HCIRN?> Beyer & Holtzblatt, 1999 ou o link direto para o pdf.

AIFIA | Tools

AIFIA | Tools

The Economist style guide

The Economist style guide: "This guide is based on the style book which is given to all journalists at The Economist."

segunda-feira, maio 17, 2004

CHARM-Development Methods: User Needs Assessment & Task Analyses

CHARM-Development Methods: User Needs Assessment & Task Analyses

Feature Story

Feature Story

Color Theory Overview & Tutorial: Color, Creativity, Code: Worqx

Color Theory Overview & Tutorial: Color, Creativity, Code: Worqx

Pathalizer: Visual website usage analysis

Pathalizer: Visual website usage analysis: "Pathalizer is a tool to visualize the paths most users take when browsing a website. This information can then be used to decide how to improve the navigation of the site, and which p"

Este é o que eu gostei mais, pois o arquivo de configuração permite eliminar o que não é interessante. Bem que podia permitir aglomerar várias páginas como se fosse uma só.


apache2dot: "apache2dot.pl parses an apache log file to a format suitable for use with neato or dot, both of which are part of graphviz. This will display links as they are being followed within y"

Visitors - fast web log analyzer

Visitors - fast web log analyzer: "Using the graphviz mode Visitors will process the web log files and output a graph ready to be rendered using Graphviz. The generated graph is the visual equivalent of web trials, b"

Srikant: Abstracts

Srikant: Abstracts: "Abstract: Many websites have a hierarchical organization of content. This organization may be quite different from the organization expected by visitors to the website. In par"

Web Design References: Usability

Web Design References: Usability: "tas"

domingo, maio 16, 2004

ongoing ? Genx Status

ongoing ? Genx Status

Genx is a library, written in the C language, for generating XML. Its goals are high performance, a simple and intuitive API, and output that is guaranteed to be well-formed; the output is also guaranteed to be Canonical XML, suitable for use with digital-signature technology. There is a Python wrapper. Genx comes with a GPL-Compatible but non-viral Open-Source license. Latest news: Optimization fixage.