quinta-feira, maio 06, 2004

CNN.com - CDs, DVDs not so immortal - May 6, 2004

CNN.com - CDs, DVDs not so immortal - May 6, 2004: "AP) -- Dan Koster was unpacking some of his more than 2,000 CDs after a move when he noticed something strange. Some of the discs, which he always took good care of, wouldn't play prop"

Usability: HT Consulting: How (much) to Intervene in a Usability Testing Session

HT Consulting: How (much) to Intervene in a Usability Testing Session. Thinking aloud. Empathy listening. Active listening.

OpenOffice.org XML Essentials

OpenOffice.org XML Essentials

xml: Document Editing on Small Devices - XMerge

xml: Document Editing on Small Devices - XMerge

quarta-feira, maio 05, 2004

palm: EasyContacts

Linalco - Comunidad: "EasyContacts is a smart address book browser for the Palm Pilot. It imitates and improves the keypad of cell phones, has flexible output formatting, and beats competition by havi"

Flazoom.com - Developing User-Friendly Flash Content

Flazoom.com - Developing User-Friendly Flash Content

palm: Address Uno

Address Uno

Flazoom.com - Developing User-Friendly Flash Content

Flazoom.com - Developing User-Friendly Flash Content

CSS and Email, Kissing in a Tree: A List Apart

CSS and Email, Kissing in a Tree: A List Apart

CSS and Email, Kissing in a Tree: A List Apart

CSS and Email, Kissing in a Tree: A List Apart

Design idea: css Zen Garden: The Beauty in CSS Design

Design relativo ao tamanho da fonte. Muito legal!

css Zen Garden: The Beauty in CSS Design

defining font sizes in CSS incremental differences

incremental differences

user-experience.org - Keith Instone, User Experience professional

user-experience.org - Keith Instone, User Experience professional

Configurando para abrir new tab no Mozilla/firefox

Não sei se tem como abrir no mesmo tab sem tornar a janela do firefox ativa.

firefox  -remote "openURL($1,new-tab)"

detalhamento da opção remote

a nice mp3 player

Creativity is unlimited

sweetcode: very techinical programs


segunda-feira, maio 03, 2004

Book Review: More Eric Meyer on CSS book review by Optimization Week Magazine

Book Review: More Eric Meyer on CSS book review by Optimization Week Magazine

Securing Debian HOWTO

Securing Debian HOWTO

300 Images From 1800 Sites

300 Images From 1800 Sites

AIFIA | IA Library

AIFIA | IA Library

Usability Toolkit

Usability Toolkit

AIFIA | Tools

AIFIA | Tools

AIFIA | Tools

AIFIA | Tools

Transpar?ncia Brasil

Transpar?ncia Brasil