sexta-feira, setembro 12, 2003

Morphon CSS-Editor

Morphon Technologies - Features: "Morphon CSS-Editor now available under a free software license"

Cross-browser DHTML APIs "Cross-browser DHTML API"

HTMLArea -- the free, customizable online editor

HTMLArea -- the free, customizable online editor

XML resources for documentation, technical writing , training courseware (CBT and WBT), etc.

XML resources for documentation, technical writing , training courseware (CBT and WBT), etc.: "psgml"

quarta-feira, setembro 10, 2003

CVS access via ssh

CVS_RSH=ssh cvs -d :ext:* co .xemacs

Xemacs: better compile keys and error navigation

(global-set-key (kbd "") 'compile)
(global-set-key "\C-c!" 'compile)
(global-set-key (kbd "") 'recompile)
(global-set-key "\C-cc" 'recompile)
(global-set-key (kbd "") 'next-error)
(global-set-key (kbd "") 'previous-error)
(global-set-key (kbd "") 'revert-buffer)

terça-feira, setembro 09, 2003

Read Line supoort in Jython

I must try this: - jython-users - [Jython-users] rlfe (readline front end) with good result: "It might sound a bit funny: the only thing holding me back from using jython a lot on Linux/Unix is actually the lack of a good working readline. Remembering the experience of using sqlplus with ied on HP-UX, I tried a different approach today, with good result. So I thought I'd like to share the tip with the group: Grab rlfe from the this page by the author of Kawa!"

The link above doesn't work:(. I looks like rlfe comes as an example in readline distribution. I can also try the one refered in this message. Here is the Clé page.

Deleting Duplicate Rows in a MySQL Database

Deleting Duplicate Rows in a MySQL Database.

Meu algoritmo de extração de preço do sedex de vez em quando dá umas duplicadas. Para inserir os valores corretos, use isto na hora de copiar da temporária postagem2 para postagem
INSERT INTO bad_temp(id,name) SELECT DISTINCT id,name FROM bad_table;

segunda-feira, setembro 08, 2003 - jsconsole - jsconsole: "JS Console is a Mozilla/Firebird (0.6.1 release) extension to ease the developer work. Even if you're an expert in JavaScript coding, you sometimes need to quickly verify some code construction or try an algorithm. And if you're a newbie, you'll probably find JS Console very handy to try some exemples and soon become a JavaScript Guru.

Oddly enough, no such tool actually exists in the Mozilla community. Of course we have the Mozilla JavaScript Console, accessible thru the Web development menu, but seriously, do you use it to evaluate a code snippet? JS Console fills the gap: not only you can type in hundreds or thousands lines of code to evaluate, but you can also save this code to a file and later reload it to make some change. At any time, you can evaluate the code you typed in an have an immediate result of the evaluation. If any exception is thrown by your code, it is displayed in the Errors panel and you can save the error message to a file. You can insert debugging instructions in your code and those instructions will be displayed in another panel: the Output panel, which you can save too." -- patterns in Interaction Design -- patterns in Interaction Design: "Web Design patterns"

Listamatic: lists and tabs in CSS


The eric3 Python IDE

The eric3 Python IDE

Bicycle Repair Man!

Bicycle Repair Man!: "Bicycle Repair Man, a Refactoring Browser for Python"

IPython - An enhanced Interactive Python

IPython - An enhanced Interactive Python

Emacs Language Sensitive Extensions

Emacs Language Sensitive Extensions

Python IDE thread in


The eric3 Python IDE

The eric3 Python IDE

Os Correios são uma merda

Putz! Os preços aumentaram, o sítio deles não dá os novos preços de carta registrada (aposto que tem nas mais de 10.000 agências espalhadas pelo país) e está cada vez mais difícil de achar a página de Cálculo de Preços de sedex. Eles também nem disponiblizam uma porcaria de planilha com os preços de envio de sedex. Tive que fazer um programa que visita a página deles fazendo todas as combinações possíveis no formuláro e insere os dados no banco de dados. Por que eles têm que complicar tanto nossa vida?

Boxes and Arrows: Analyzing Card Sort Results with a Spreadsheet Template

Boxes and Arrows: Analyzing Card Sort Results with a Spreadsheet Template: "This article explains how to quickly derive easily-read, quantitative results from a card-sort activity by entering data into a spreadsheet template that is adaptable to any set of cards and categories."

domingo, setembro 07, 2003

Design Ideas: vertical tabs

Yahoo! Search: News

css-discuss Wiki

Front Page - css-discuss

CSS Cookbook: CSS Buttons

CSS Cookbook: CSS Buttons

CSS Buttons


Web Performance Tuning

Web Performance Tuning